News from HR Spain: 0
Stress level: highest
The trip from Saintes to Madrid was quite straight forward and without too many issues.
We crossed the border next day and reached first Irun to visit family and then Gasteiz (The unofficial capital of Pais Basque).
Gasteiz was as usual, a bit chilly and eager to start raining. Not a big deal.
Note: The photo here is not from that day, it is from some weeks later, but as I am a big fan of Clint Eastwood I have decided to include it. Make my day foreigner!! :-P
As my mother was on another trip to somewhere else and we were in a bit of hurry we decided to continue to Madrid (a.k.a. "El puntorro" in the truck drivers slang) to finish a trip that even if was finished in few days was starting to feel a bit long.
Final destination : Madrij
Total km done: 810 km
News from HR Spain: 0.
Stress level: High but at home.
More posts: coming soon.
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