Sunday, 24 January 2010

Cuando el mar se hiela...

... hace un frio del carajo. Que no rima pero es la pura verdad. Joé que frío !!!!
Y eso que ya hemos dejado a tras los menos veintitantos, pero ahora que hace "templado" (-5c) va y le da por hacer viento .... jarrrlllllllll
Os dejo una muestra del asunto.
Un saludo.
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Tuesday, 19 January 2010

On the work again

One year more here we are, working as usual, with the car in the garage to fix the last strange bits in it and with a lot of hope that this year we will be able to see the sun in spring.

For the time being it is still snowing :-P
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Monday, 11 January 2010

White Hell

Here we are again, with temperatures lower than -10C and up to -24C

Yesterday I discovered two things:

First thing is how easy is to open any car which is locked. two minutes in the worst case, and using one minute for smoking a cigarrete after it (or just recovering from the surprise if you don´t smoke).

Second is that a car can freeze on the INSIDE :-P
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Holidays are for the summer