Tuesday, 5 April 2011

John Gerrard & Lunch

This weekend has been quite amusing. During one visit to IvoryPress we have been introduced to John Gerrard work. The event was presented by Norman Fosters wife Elena Ochoa.

Basically he is an unusual photographer that creates "live" art based in  photos that create 3D infography.
Quite amazing, but for the techy that lives inside us it is not so different to any modern game from ElectrnicArts. With a lot of work and quality of course but the same principles and less "live".
Anyway after the interesting event we met an old friend who is living in the neighborhood and we faced restaurant that we where willing to visit after a very successful dinner two Christmas ago.

Don't do it. Second parts never were good. Horrible meal and not very good desert. Something to forget. Never again! Nunca mais!.

Holidays are for the summer