Monday, 27 September 2010

Absolute vacuum (Part 3)

Intermediate origin: Koblenz (Germany)

News from HR Spain: nil
Stress level: high plus two broken bulbs.

Probably you will be asking yourself about the meaning of today´s title, "Absolute vacuum". Well, this is just what you feel when you are driving down a german runaway and a Ford focus RS overtakes you at 250+ km/h and your car starts being attracted to the Ford´s trail. Also you can substitute the Ford with any big van brand name, but in this case it was really outrageous given the sudden of the happening and the roar its engine makes.

Koblenz looks like a nice place to be but with the big bill we had to pay we were not in the mood of playing the tourist role that day. So, after being punished at the hotel with the expensive bill we decided to leave Oktoberfestland and head south again. 

TomTom --> Navigate to.. --> Point of interest.. --> POI near me --> Skoda Car Repair

1.5km later we arrived to a big Audi - VW - Seat - Skoda dealer were we asked a very nice german guy about our problems replacing the front bulbs. He looked a bit surprised at first but quickly showed us how to replace the front bulbs in around 60 secs just taking out one screw and taking out also the whole headlight.

He was really really nice and refused to get paid for his 2 minutes help :-) Skoda is again highly recomended. At Audi Spain I would have had to pay at least 200€.

Anyway we started again driving south and reached Luxemburg.
Atchumm!! (sneeze)
Now we were leaving Luxemburg and entering France.

Good thing to have the speeding radars marked by TomTom. Just aftern entering France we found 4 radars in half an hour.

Now we were in Carla Bruni´s country. 130km/h speed limit and a lot of traffic. We were quite observant because of the looks we had and we didn´t want to be deported... who knows... ;-P

From the nothern frontier to almost La Rochelle we drove with no incidents at all. Just expensive petrol (even more than in Germany).

There we found a horrible and not so cheap (price wise) but very cheap (quality wise) french hotel.
A combination of too many frenchies and too little hotels forced us to take it. Also as we were quite close to Bordeaux we just rested and hoped for a better day.

A day to forget. The only good thing is that now we had two working frontlights.

Intermediate destination : Saintes (France)
Total km done: 2^10 km
News from HR Spain: 0.
Stress level: High plus one expensive hotel plus a horrible hotel.
Hotel quality: Bad, Price: Moderate.
More posts: coming soon.

1 comment:

Estefunknía said...

Vaya una experiencia "absolut vacuum". Me ha hecho mucha gracia cómo has narrado la parte del flor focus ;)Y, d epaso, he aprendido una palabrillas útiles en inglés.

Holidays are for the summer